Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Japanese obento

Japanese obento

Look at these delicious Japanese meals!they are good for you and they give you freedom to be creative.
Some Look To CuTe To eat!

How to Prepare a Bento Box


Difficulty: Moderately Easy

Things You’ll Need:

  • a bento box
  • fried or white rice
  • fish, beef, pork, or chicken
  • pickled or cooked vegetables
  • seaweed (optional)
  • chopsticks or fork/knife
  • napkins
  • kitchen utensils
  • a love for cooking and culinary design
The first step towards making a bento is to gather all materials necessary for putting together your boxed lunch. Cook all meat, vegetables, rice, and other food items you wish to have in your bento before proceeding to the next step! (This isn't a guide on how to COOK your food, it's how to arrange it in a bento, after all!)
Traditional Japanese bentos have a 4:3:2:1 ratio of four ingredients: 4 parts rice, 3 parts meat, 2 parts vegetables, and 1 part dessert. Always keep this in mind when preparing your bento.

Some bento can be elaborately designed with cut-out shapes of meat and vegetables decorating the inside, while others are simple, aesthetically pleasing arrangements. It's not necessary for a bento to be made this way, but many find them much more enjoyable when arranged in shapes of flowers, dolls, animals, and so on. Kids especially love bentos made in this way!
The main course of your bento will be the rice. When preparing your rice, keep in mind how you want to arrange it in your bento. Do you wish to have rice balls? Will you shape the rice into an animal or other decoration? Or will you just leave a mound of rice?

Seaweed makes for an excellent compliment to the rice. Riceballs can be wrapped with it and eaten alone or with soy souce.Rice can be shaped into animals and detailed with seaweed, as well. My personal favorite is to make a panda bear!

A word of caution: Always be sure to let your rice cool before placing the lid on your bento. The steam will cause moisture that will turn your bento's food soggy if you don't!
Meat is your first side-dish, and can be arranged in any number of ways. One popular choice is to cut weiners to look like octopus or squid. Fried fish or shrimp can also be arranged into shapes along with the rice. If eating sushi or eggs, be sure to keep the bento in a cool place so as to avoid spoiling. You can also use more wasabi than normal for the sushi. Also, keep sauces packed separately to avoid turning the food to mush before lunchtime hits.
Vegetables can be cut with a steady hand and knife or a cookie cutter to look like trees, animals, or a number of shapes and sizes. I find it most appealing to choose shapes based on the season. Orange carrot rabbits with broccoli or green bean grass in spring...the possibilities are endless. Use your imagination and choose something you enjoy!
Lastly, the treats! It can be anything from a simple plastic wrapped candy, or a small portion of cake. Some traditional bentos even opt for pickled vegetables or fruit. I like strawberries, or coconut candies. Choose whatever you like best for dessert.

In a nutshell, just make a bento that you're proud of, and that is healthy to eat. Take it to work, school, or simply eat it at home. Never think an idea is too elaborate. Always try new designs and arrangements. The possibilities have no limits. Have fun when making your bento, and enjoy it!

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